Holiday Print Appreciation

Hello friends, affiliates, and otherwise! I hath returned, this time with an unspecified holiday special! I will be displaying some of my favorite non-specific holiday prints for the month of December. All of these prints are cross/religion free, and focus more on the general snowfall-feel.

Starting off, we have Fairy Snow Decoration by Angelic Pretty

This print is gorgeous! From the sparkly lace, to the swans and unicorns, FSD really gives off that snow pixie vibe.

Second is Sugar Dream Dome, also by AP

Sugar Dream Dome is that perfect winter holiday print. The touches of gold really pop, especially on the navy colorway, and give it that classic holiday feel.

Now we have Fairy Crystal Snow by Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Stunning. Walking in a winter wonderland? More like walking AS a winter wonderland! The stylistic snowflakes give this jsk a very unique feel, and separates it from other prints.

Last but certainly not least is Queen of Snow by BTSSB

Now this is probably my favorite print on the list. The little snow globes and reindeer and the little tiny roses that, if you close enough, are ice encrusted! Ah! It’s just a wonderful print!

So how’d you like this list? Maybe you already have some of these dresses, maybe you just now noticed that you want one! Who knows. I, however, will be keeping an eye out on the second hand market for these beauties.


  1. There was a time when I really wanted that specific cut and colourway of Sugar Dream Dome. I still like it a lot, but over the years I learnt that I can like it and not own it, plus I now realise that this isn't actually a cut that I like on myself.


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