Lolita Questionnaire part 1
Good morning friends, affiliates, and otherwise! I was thinking of an idea for a post, but was at a loss until I scrolled through F Yeah Lolita. They had a link to a tumblr post by Tell The Tea. This post had 100 questions in ten parts, so I thought I'd at least tackle the first part.
1. First things first: Your Screen-name and/or Lolita Alias and it’s meaning?
My screen name is Deckofrabbits, and my alias is Rabbit. These come from Alice's adventures in wonderland, wherein the deck of cards is all in a suit of rabbits, and theres quite a few lapine characters in the story.
2. What made you fall in love with Lolita?
You know, I'm not sure. It might be the abundance of cute animal prints, the pastel colors, or anything. I just really like the general aesthetic.
3. Which Lolita motif do you subscribe to? (Gothic, Classic, Sweet, etc.)
Probably sweet, for the reasons detailed above.
4. How do you feel about Lolitas with piercings/tattoos?
I don't care, and neither should you. Unless somebody is wearing something offensive/has an offensive tattoo, it shouldn't matter what somebody else does to themselves.5. Which Brands and/or Off-Brands do you live for?
Magic Tea Party and Diamond Honey currently.
6. How many Lolita friends do you have?
Not enough thats for sure.7. Are you actively involved in your local community?
I'm attempting to be, but its hard when the whole worlds in quarantine.8. Do you own or read any Lolita magazines?
No, but its funny cause last night I had a dream my dad bought me an edition of the GLB.
9. Do you wear bloomers?
I don't currently have anything right now, so this is a question of whether or not I should wear bloomers. I don't know. I think I will.
10. What Headdress do you tend to favor? (bonnets, ribbons, hairbows, hats, etc.)
As soon as this lockdown is over, Im cutting my hair, so head bows will be the best thing for me.
And there you have it. Ten questions you may or may not have wanted the answers to.
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