Spreadsheet of Needs

Good Evening

Good evening friends, affiliates, and otherwise. I hope your Easter/Passover was good. I've been a tad bit productive today, thus the point of this late post.
I made a spreadsheet detailing basic lolita clothing needs, providing at least three items of each including a link to the item and its price.

Here you can see I divided my needs into categories: Petticoats; Bloomers; Blouses; Skirts; OPs; and JSKs. I labeled all my links with what the item was, and underneath the price for each link. I think this will be helpful for my building of my collection.

Well, thats all I wanted to share.


  1. Hello, I am always here for a good spreadsheet! <3 If you're just starting out, you probably don't need all of that (and skirts are actually harder to coordinate nicely than they appear, even though the lower price is tempting). Also don't forget shoes, legwear, headwear and accessories, without which a lolita outfit is not complete (and depending on which substyle you want to wear, they can't always be substituted with offbrand things). Best of luck building your first outfit and wardrobe :)

    1. Thank you so much for the advice! I was mostly just trying not to overload my priorities with the sheet, since leg wear and accessories won't be a problem for me. Im thinking: get the main pieces, then see what I need to complete the coord, ya feel? But you've definitely pointed out some things i forgot. Thank you!


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